Privacy ICAO Address Verification: Checklist

The FAA Program Office provides this automated tool in order to assist aircraft owners and operators participating in the Privacy ICAO Address initiative. Please complete the following pages to verify the installation of your Privacy ICAO Address.

The following checklist provides a list of affirmation statements indicating your understanding of the legal and program requirements that must be met in order to verify your ADS-B Privacy ICAO Address installation. All boxes must be checked in order to verify a Privacy ICAO Address.

Am I ready to verify my Privacy ICAO Address?
[*Denotes A Required Action]

PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: This statement is provided pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 USC § 522A.

Authority: This authority for collecting personally identifiable information (PII) for the Privacy International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Address Program is Under Title 49 of the United States Code, Subtitle I, Section 106, where the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is charged with prescribing regulations on the flight of aircraft (including regulations on safe altitudes) for navigating, protecting, and identifying aircraft, and the efficient use of the navigable airspace.
Purpose: The principal purpose for which the information collected is to be used is to identify and evaluate the applicant’s qualifications for the issuance of a Privacy ICAO Address.
Routine Uses: The information collected by Privacy ICAO Address Program is included in a Privacy Act System of Records known as DOT/FAA 801, titled “Aviation Registration Records.” Records may be disclosed in accordance with the routine uses that appear in the DOT/FAA 801, Aviation Registration Records, including:

- To law enforcement when necessary and relevant to an FAA enforcement activity.

Additional routine uses of this information are published in DOT/FAA 801, which is published in the Federal Register at 81 FR 54187, August 15, 2016. The Department has also published 14 additional routine uses applicable to all DOT Privacy Act systems of records, including the Civil Aviation Registry. These routine uses are published in the Federal Register at 75 FR 82132, December 29, 2010, and 77 FR 42796, July 20, 2012, under ‘‘Prefatory Statement of General Routine Uses’’ (available at
Disclosure: Submission of the data is voluntary. However, failure to provide all required information may result in the FAA being unable to process the Privacy ICAO Address application.

OMB Control No. 2120-0779
Expiration Date 05/31/2025